Tag Archives: prize

August 2014 Newsletter Giveaway Prize Winner

Kathy was the winner of last month’s The Silver Forge newsletter giveaway – congratulations to her! A pair of these lavender Czech glass and sterling silver square hoop earrings are winging their way to Colorado as we speak. If you missed out and you’d like a pair of these, you can get yourself some here in The Silver Forge shop.


Purple Lavender Square Hoop Sterling Silver Czech Glass Simple Modern Earrings


The giveaway for September is going to be a pair of sea green Czech glass and sterling silver round hoop earrings. Everyone on my mailing list is entered in every month’s draw! All you have to do to win is make sure you’re subscribed to my newsletter. If you can’t wait, and you want some of these earrings right now, you can find them here.


Sea Green Czech Glass and Sterling Silver Hoop Simple Elegant Earrings


Now that it’s September, Spring is here, so do have a lovely happy month, won’t you!

July 2014 Newsletter Giveaway Prize Winner

Congratulations to Lisa, who won last month’s The Silver Forge newsletter giveaway. She will be the lucky recipient of a pair of green stacked Czech glass and sterling silver earrings. If you’d like a pair of these earrings, you can get yourself some here in The Silver Forge shop.


Glowing Green Stacked Czech Glass and Sterling Silver Earrings


August’s giveaway is going to be a pair of lavender Czech glass and sterling silver square hoop earrings. All you have to do to win is make sure you’re subscribed to my newsletter. Everyone on the list is entered in every month’s draw! If you can’t wait, and you want some of these earrings right now, you can find them here.

Purple Lavender Square Hoop Sterling Silver Czech Glass Simple Modern Earrings

In the mean time, enjoy whatever this month brings!

Flipside Circus!


The truth is I came across Flipside because I was looking for somewhere to learn to ride my unicycle. (Yes, I have one, and I had tried to ride it on and off, and hadn’t quite gotten it together.) I was looking online (as you do) and found this fabulous circus space, just around the corner from where I live! 

Flipside Circus Logo

Flipside is a not-for-profit, community based organisation who provide an extensive circus program with an exciting range of circus activities geared around empowering children.

Flipside Acrobats

Its primary goal is providing a fun, non-competitive and safe environment for young people to build their strength, fitness, coordination and self-confidence through learning basic circus skills. 

Flipside Ropes

I enrolled my son straight away. We love our weekly fun at  Flipside, all our lovely trainers are so kind, gentle and patient with the children, and it’s marvellous to watch the little ones blossoming and gaining confidence each week.  Even the littlies get to go on the trapeze, the tissu, the tightrope and the tramp – just like the bigger kids.  There are heaps of different activites each time, and we both get so much out of it (if you’re taking your little one, grown-ups can join in too!)

Flipside Wheel

On 9 December, Flipside Circus held their annual Flipside Fiesta – a fun fundraising day for all their circus families. I was very happy to support Flipside with a Silver Forge raffle prize donation – the winner of the prize received a custom handcrafted ring, made by yours truly.  More on that later!

Flipside Green Legs

The unicycle?  Well, I still haven’t managed to master that just yet, but Flipside do run classes for adults, so if I can schedule my family around it, that might be my next adventure!! 🙂