Tag Archives: cabochon

Vesuvianite Cabochons

Vesuvianite Cabochons

The lovely vesuviante cabochon pair shown here are 17mm long. They are available to be handcrafted into a custom made ring, pendant or earrings for you. 

Vesuvianite, also known as idocrase, is named for Mount Vesuvius in Italy where it was initially discovered. It is usually found in green but also can occur in purple, red, white, brown or yellow.

Mohave Green Turquoise Cabochon With Bronze

Mohave Green Turquoise Cabochon With Bronze

The green turquoise cabochon shown here is 23mm long. It is available to be handcrafted into a custom made ring or pendant for you. 

This stone is comprised of Kingman Turquoise which has been dyed, compressed and stabilized with bronze metal veining. It is from Arizona. You can read more about gemstone treatments here. In order to keep your stone looking good, it is recommended that you do not get it wet or expose it to sunlight for prolonged periods. Your piece can be cleaned using a soft silver polishing cloth.


Trillion Cut Serpentine Cabochon

Serpentine Cabochon

The subtle serpentine cabochon shown here is 29mm long. It is available to be handcrafted into a custom made ring or pendant for you. This stone is from Norway.

Most serpentines are opaque to translucent, light, infusible and susceptible to acids. All are microcrystalline and massive in habit, never being found as single crystals. Luster may be vitreous, greasy or silky. Colors range from white to grey, yellow to green, and brown to black, and are often splotchy or veined.


Medium Carnelian Oval Cabochon

Medium Carnelian Oval Cabochon

The gorgeous carnelian gemstone cabochon shown here is 19mm long. It is available to be handcrafted into a custom made ring or pendant for you. 

Carnelian is a variety of the silica mineral chalcedony, which has been coloured by impurities of iron oxide. The colour can vary greatly, ranging from pale orange to an intense almost-black. It is commonly found in Brazil, India, Siberia, and Germany.