The gorgeous eudialyte cabochon shown here is 43mm long, and is available to be handcrafted into a custom made ring or pendant for you.

The gorgeous eudialyte cabochon shown here is 43mm long, and is available to be handcrafted into a custom made ring or pendant for you.
The beautiful rhodochrosite cabochon shown here is 25mm long. It is available to be handcrafted into a custom made ring or pendant for you.
The pink color of rhodochrosite is caused by the element manganese, and it is formed when manganese is dissolved by ground water and combines with a carbonate material and then drips off the ceiling of caves and crevices deep underground. It can be found in Argentina; Peru; Colorado and Montana, USA; and Quebec, Canada. It is commonly found in the form of stalactites and stalagmites in the caves of Argentina. Rhodochrosite (the word means rose-colored) often forms pink and white bands.
The beautiful carnelian gemstone cabochon shown here is 31mm long. It is available to be handcrafted into a custom made ring or pendant for you.
Carnelian is a variety of the silica mineral chalcedony, which has been coloured by impurities of iron oxide. The colour can vary greatly, ranging from pale orange to an intense almost-black. It is commonly found in Brazil, India, Siberia, and Germany. Botryoidal, from the Greek meaning ‘bunch of grapes’, describles the crystal formation on the top of the stone.
The stunning eudialyte cabochon shown here is 24mm long. It is reserved for a lovely client.
The beautiful carnelian gemstone cabochon shown here is 32mm long. It is available to be handcrafted into a custom made ring or pendant for you.
Carnelian is a variety of the silica mineral chalcedony, which has been coloured by impurities of iron oxide. The colour can vary greatly, ranging from pale orange to an intense almost-black. It is commonly found in Brazil, India, Siberia, and Germany.
The lovely tigereye cabochon shown here is 30mm long. It is available to be handcrafted into a custom made ring or pendant for you.
PLEASE NOTE: This stone is reserved for a client.
The beautiful rainforest brown serpentine cabochon shown here is 27mm long. It is available to be handcrafted into a custom made ring or pendant for you. Rainforest brown serpentine is also known as Café Forest Granite.
The lovely apple coral cabochon shown here is 31mm long. It is available to be handcrafted into a custom made ring or pendant for you.
The amazing apple coral cabochons shown here are 30mm long. They are available to be handcrafted into a custom made ring, pendant or earrings for you.
The amazing apple coral cabochon shown here is 22mm long. It is available to be handcrafted into a custom made ring or pendant for you.