Charoite and Sterling Silver Pendant

charoite and silver pendant – art for an artist

My gorgeous friend and lovely client, Margaret Ingles, is a wonderful artist and I am always thrilled when she asks me to create something for her – this charoite and silver pendant was no exception. You can see some of my past work for Marg including these coherent wave pendants, this amazonite, chrysoprase, topaz, and turquoise infinity pendant and this blue drusy agate and sterling silver ring.

Charoite and Sterling Silver Pendant

I searched around for the right gemstone for Marg. She decided this beautiful teardrop shaped cabochon was perfect for her new charoite and silver pendant.

Charoite and Sterling Silver Pendant

I was so glad to be able to make this lovely piece for a lovely person! Check out Margaret’s amazing art on her website. I just adore her hyper-realistic painting style – ‘Morning’ from ‘These Hands’ and ‘Devotion’ from ‘Bliss’ are two of my favourites. While I am very glad to be a silversmith, I reserve a certain awe for people who can transcribe vision to paper through the medium of paint!

Charoite is a beautiful gemstone, often found in Russia. That glorious purple is always stunning, and isn’t it amazing that it comes out of the ground like that! The name charoite comes from the Russian ‘chary’ – charms or magic. You can read more about charoite here.

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