Tag Archives: Pantone Fall 2014

Pantone – 2014 Autumn Colours

Autumn is on its way, and Pantone have released the next round of the latest colour trends! I’ve raved about Pantone colour in some previous blog posts herehere and here. And as you can see, I’m still loving the concept. I’m not sure how many of these colours I’ll be wearing this autumn, but you never know!Pantone Gemstones Fall 2014

I’ve browsed my gemstone collection and matched these autumn colours – if any of these gemstones appeal to you, let me know and I can create you something beautiful to go with your latest Autumn fashion choices. And you can always go with Phosphosiderite for that Radiant Orchid splash!

Phosphosiderite and Amethyst Sterling Silver Amorphia Pendant

Because Autumn brings the need for more cups of tea, I found these mugs which are Pantone inspired:

(available from Suck UK)

(available from Suck UK)

Hehehe – mine’s somewhere between Classic British and Builder’s Brew, thanks! 🙂